After graduating from Colorado State University
I served in the Army for 4 years because the Army paid for 2 years of my
college tuition. That was unreasonable to me because 4 year scholarships served
four years too, but that were my orders. I was in the Army R. O. T. C. at C. S.
U. after completing four years of military training I was commissioned a 2nd
lieutenant. While most of my classmates were trying to get jobs through
interviews, I was lucky because I had my orders. At first the army wanted me to
go to Fort Hawthorn Depot in the middle of the Nevada desert. It is an ammunition storage
depot. I really wanted to be in a repair facility rather than an ammo depot. My
passion repairing equipment. My first choices when asked where I would like to
be stationed were Japan , Germany and Alaska . I could not believe that I was being
sent to the middle of the desert and had to do something about it fast! I had a
friend who got orders for Germany
and she didn't want to go. So I traded with her, success! At the commissioning ceremony
my dad and mom pinned my bars on my collar. They were very proud of my
The Army sent me to Maryland for Officer Basic Course. It was a
six month training.
I graduated at the top of my class! Later I learned that
the Army is a lot different than what I learned in training both at C.S.U. and
in My
I was tired after dinner and went to my room to sleep. I was awakened at 3 AM by an alarm going off across the street in the base. The next surprising thing was tanks and armored personal carriers were driving down the street. I was terrified! I wasn't even issued a weapon or protective gear. I thought World War III had started and I wasn't in it.
I absolutely loved traveling all over
Europe but didn't like the Army and counted the
days until I got out. Not many of my friends from high school or college got the
experience of travel like me and I am grateful! Fortunately the Army sent me to Fort Lee, VA where I met my beautiful wife Hing! And we lived happily ever after!
The End