Sunday, September 14, 2008

My New Treatment Program

Dear Friends and Family,

Most of you know that my son Donald has been battling ALS (Lou Gerhig’s disease) for almost 4 years. Even though he now can move very little, can no longer speak, and gets his food through a stomach tube, he is still as adventurous and upbeat as ever. Recently, we decided to give Don’s dear wife, Hing, and his kids, a much needed rest from Don’s “high-maintenance” caregiving, and to grant Don’s wish to vacation in Colorado.

Late last June, while my daughter Kate and I drove Don’s equipment out in his wheelchair accessible van, my son-in-law Ken flew Don out from Memphis in a private plane. Thanks to the help of lots of family and friends, Don is settled in at my handicapped-accessible home in Fort Collins. The plan was for him to stay for July, but when we realized how long it was taking to complete all his trip wishes (like see Longs Peak again, drive up the Poudre, visit Ken and Kate’s mountain home), we extended that to staying indefinitely.

We have been using our many holistic health resources to get Don all kinds of holistic healing sessions, plus body work, acupuncture, and mind/emotion/spirit support. Furthermore, Don is about to begin an innovative therapy with a local MD, Dr Roger Billica. This intensive, nutritional program has successfully helped ALS patients in 70% of its cases around the country. Don will require three IVs a day for three weeks (and the IVs are as costly as chemo treatments). Unfortunately, this new protocol is not covered by Don’s insurance. Since the family is financially “tapped out” after getting Don here for his vacation, we need help to make these treatments happen. The good news is, we will know within three weeks if Don is responding favorably to this treatment.

We need 100 Angels who will donate $100 (or more) to reach the $10,000 needed.
Of course, we will gratefully accept all prayers and donations of any amount towards this effort.

If you can be one of these Angels, please donate to Don’s PayPal account at or write a check to Kate Taylor and mail it to
Don Taylor c/o Ruth Taylor
305 West Magnolia PMB356
Fort Collins, CO 80521.


Ruth Taylor